Visit of H.E. Mr Brian Olley, British Ambassador to Lithuania

Visit of H.E. Mr Brian Olley, British Ambassador to Lithuania

The British Ambassador to the Republic of Lithuania Brian Olley visited Audimas Supply headquarters in Kaunas to discuss the company’s investments, its partnership with British clients and suppliers as well as its sustainability policy.

During his tour of Audimas Supply premises Brian Olley met the company’s team. He inquired about the company’s production lines in Lithuania, Ukraine, and Moldova.

As a European manufacturing partner for sport and outdoor wear brands, our goal is to bring customers the best experience with their physical activities and to help our partner brands promote a healthy lifestyle.

We cooperate with our clients and partners in every stage of product development. We help to build the prototype, we do the testing, we offer refinement solutions, and adapt the best fitting materials. Together with our qualified specialists we developed more than 900 different product styles per year.

The Ambassador was also interested in Audimas Supply technological innovations, company’s commitments to the environment and employer values. Audimas Supply is proud to cooperate with major British sportswear brands!

Factory Audimas Supply specializes in high quality performance products

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